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By God’s grace, the composition of the book Benedict XVI: Pope «Emeritus»? has represented for me, as its author, a starting point in the understanding, not only of the ecclesiastical crisis –in a certain sense unprecedented– that we find ourselves going through, but also, and mainly, of the fidelity of our Lord Jesus Christ regarding His promise of indestructibility of the Catholic Church, as well as of the Divine Wisdom that, from eternity, has foreseen the instruments and circumstances that, against all human predictions, would cooperate –consciously or unconsciously– in the realization of that promise.​

I am firmly convinced that the famous Declaratio, pronounced by Pope Benedict XVI more than a decade ago, constitutes a milestone in that great divine design of protecting the Church against the gates of hell or, put more concretely, of canonically safeguarding the institution of the Papacy against ravening wolves and heresies. This is, precisely, the entire essence and purpose of the document: a mere Declaration –in no way a juridical act of resignation from the ecclesiastical office of Roman Pontiff–, with which the valid provision of the Apostolic See in favor of the enemies of Christ and the Church would be prevented. Declaratio: nulla renuntiatio. The implication? It is obvious: the nullity of the pontificate of so-called Pope Francis.

Well, even though I believe I have researched, reflected on and communicated everything that has been reasonably within my reach on this topic, I find that a good part of my articles, written as a response to the objections that the book has received, are either scattered in different languages ​​and websites, or simply do not appear on the web. At the same time, I confirm that the objectors’ side has a notable capacity –social, economic, political, media, etc.– to spread their supposed arguments, even when these, I must say from the outset, are nothing more than fallacies –in many cases malicious–. Thus, the debate on the Declaratio, more than a sincere –and sacrificial– search for the truth, has degenerated into a war of powers and personal interests, and has crystallized into a unilateral and hegemonic discourse that in no way honors either Faith or reason.

In response to this panorama, and acting from the deepest love for Holy Mother Church, I have decided to publish, in a single place, my writings in defense of the book Benedict XVI: Pope «Emeritus»? I hope in this way to contribute so that the truth about the current crisis of the pontificate may grow like the little leaven that leavens the whole lump (Mt 13: 33).

These are, I must warn, mostly old articles, which I have not even considered necessary to update. In other cases, I offer writings that, although unpublished, are nothing more than a synthesis of what has already been expressed in the book. Old or new, one thing is certain: in these texts the reader will find the fruit of serious and honest intellectual work, with no greater pretension than to cooperate in the building of the Kingdom of God.


Estefanía Acosta

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